I notice this issue as well.....

I use Real Band (RB) to create the tracks I want for the song project I'm working on.

My solution is to move the files created in RB to a different DAW. In my case, Sonar. I do all my mixing in Sonar.

In Sonar, I use normalize on the really weak tracks. Fortunately, not many need this treatment. I apply the EQ and multiband compression again, as needed in Sonar and using automation, get the mix sounding like I want it to sound. I use a mastering plug called Ozone to "polish' the mix and make it shine and thump where needed.

After all this I export the mix and import the wave into my final step in the process.... my wave editor. In the editor, I trim the start and ending of the song and do the final normalization (if needed) to bring the peaks up to just under 100% or better known as 0db. Usually about -3db works for me.

4 steps total.....write in BB, create tracks in RB, mix in Sonar, and finalize the levels in my editor.

Listen to the songs on my website from the link in my signature..... you'll see what I mean.

While the song is nicely done when coming out of BB/RB, in truth, it is far from finished. However, many people stop right there and never take it those final steps. When you do, that's where the magic can happen. An anemic mix can become powerful and full when processed correctly.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.