Originally Posted By: 90 dB
“...all of you who make your living playing copy music please do not jump on me.”

I won't jump on you if you desist in calling me a prostitute. grin

that's a fair reply! Unless respect flows in both directions it always ends up leaving someone feeling offended.

Interesting articles, Pat. Some people forget that it's called "Show Business", not "Ego Gratification Business". laugh

People are flocking to tribute shows and having fun, musicians are making money - where's the harm?

there are many different ways to look at the business of performing music. We've had that discussion plenty of times. But I thought it was a good topic from the perspective of some of us. My main takeaway was the fact that making a small change in presentation can make a BIG change in income! Whereas audiences might not be impressed by a local band who plays Eagles songs, they respond differently when the same band plays the same songs while adding the element of role playing the original artists. Its as though the audience accepts the tribute band as the closest thing to hearing the real band (who may be dead or no longer touring)

There are actually tribute franchises! PETTY THEFT is a franchise that has bands in many metro areas. (I assume its a franchise... otherwise I think the same name would have introduced legal challenges long ago)

I believe that all cover bands are tribute acts in a way - they just cover a variety of artists instead of just one. As for "artistic" value, it's relatively easy to play original music. It's quite difficult to cover 100 different artists and do it well.



I have always thought the same thing Bob! Anybody who can play and sing like a bunch of different megastars has some serious talent!