speaking of tribute bands...

I'm auditioning for the John Lennon role in a Raleigh NC based Beatles tribute band. I'm recording my practice singing in order to zero in on John's pronunciation and accent... plus the tricks they did in those days to avoid hard consonant pops into the mic.

I can sing in John's range, but my voice is not a dead ringer for his. In tribute bands, that is considered a good thing if the vocals really sound like the original.

Is anybody aware of a hardware vocal modeler? Something that changes the characteristics of a voice to sound like specific singers? The sound of a voice is determined by all sorts of physical attributes... nasal cavity, length of vocal chords, shape of the mouth, size of the tongue, etc etc etc. You can imitate inflections and change EQ all day long, but if your physical characteristics aren't pretty close to the person being emulated, you won't sound the same.

The only device I'm aware of is the TC Helicon voiceworks PLUS... but it doesn't claim to be a true voice modeling engine. Is anybody aware of one?