So many cool things about this.... Loved Brent's solo where he switched from solo to dual notes and back... something I enjoy doing as well...

The mixing of clean and dirty tracks was well done.

It's not easy to have 8 guitar tracks and end up with a clean well balanced mix as you did with this. the tendency of most folks would be to try to use the guitars more.... I like that you used restraint. The right thing at the right time. The interesting thing is that there were obviously so many different ways you could have mixed this and none of them would have been wrong, better or worse... just different.

The slide at the end was perfectly placed.

Overall writing was good as was the vox.

Great way to start the new year off the right way.

Edit: there was one thing that stood out to me. In the pause between the first verse into the chorus, everything's as smooth as it needs to be.... when it comes around again on the second verse...pause...chorus.... the first chorus chord is rushed slightly.

Oh yeah... that slide has a definite David Lindley vibe to it..... Jackson Brown... Running on Empty album..... If you haven't heard that album.... do yourself a huge favor....get it.

Edit 2: did I mention I like this song alot?

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 01/03/15 03:12 PM.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.