Some export issues I wish to be fixed. I can live with them, but I would rather compose than do manual work every time :-)

Export as wav files: when rendering one WAV file per track, I would like to see the realtracks saved by meaningful names, containing at least the realtrack number and instrument name. I usually export realtracks from several styles or individually selected for the mixing process where I make the final selection which RTs to use. Unfortunately it is later difficult to find the RT I have used. And many times I accidentally forget to change the render name and the old files are gone... Especially now when the instrument parts on the screen follow the real instrument names, but the saved files use the old fixed names (bass, piano, drums, guitar, strings), it is difficult to keep up what is going on. Currently after each render phase I manually rename the files, but if BIAB could do it automatically I would avoid that tedious task :-) Realband can do it so why not BIAB?

When I export song as MIDI file, the 2 bar lead in is included in the file even if the setting is off. This setting seems to work sometimes, but usually it doesn't. And when I open the Midi File Options dialog by clicking the Options... button to make sure that the setting is off and close the dialog, BIAB re-generates all realtracks even if I have clicked Cancel. Quite annoying and time consuming. This setting is part of my usual workflow because I open the MIDI file in my Vocaloid editor and when I import the produced audio file back to BIAB, many times I have noticed that there are two extra bars of audio and unfortunately it is not possible to put -2 bars in the import audio file dialog.


Hear My Music:
