Everything works now. No more errors.

This is 'maybe' how I solved it. I tried everything from uninstalling/re installing to updating drivers for everything and getting latest versions of everything and rebooting all components ... nothing helped. I still had the problem. I called tech support. They didn't know what was wrong.

Then I tried to install BIAB on another computer. Guess what that required me to do? Unplug the USB drive (and my Focusrite Saffire Pro 24 audio/digital interface) in order to plug it into my other computer. Anyway, it worked fine on the other computer, so I plugged the USB drive (and my Focusrite Saffire Pro 24) back into my original computer and everything worked correctly!

Here is the thing: I had rebooted my Focusrite Saffire thingie numerous times - turned it off and then on again numerous times. Same with the computer into which the USB drive was attached. But I had never literally unplugged the connection of either the USB Harddrive or the Focusrite Saffire thingie...

Since I tried everything else imaginable (except disconnecting and reconnecting those particular components) and none of that worked, I have to assume that it was the disconnecting/reconnecting that actually solved the problem.

Let me know if you you have had the same thing happen or reason to believe that my experience was from some other cause.
