
I would love to hear your experience with trying Darren and rharv's solutions.

For me they didn't work. I still got the errors after I followed their steps.

Darren and rharv,
As far as I can tell, I followed your instructions. In both methods, I still get the access violation after doing what you said to the best of my understanding. It is possible I did the wrong order of things, but I tried several ways to follow your instructions and each time I still ended up with the identical problem that I had when I started.

You did give me an idea.
From there, to follow up on Darren's truth that it only causes problems with tracks created in BIAB, I simply saved my BIAB file to separate wave files. Then I imported those wave files into a new/empty sequence file of RealBand. From there I was able to select and edit without the errors.

Of course you lose the integration between BIAB and RB when you do it that way. That means there is no longer a benefit to using RB and you might as well use a mainstream DAW that is not related to BIAB and has more features.

Thanks again Darren and rharv, I'll try it again tomorrow.

Ammfonseca, Looking forward to see if it works for you. If it does than I'll know that I followed the instructions wrong.