Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Originally Posted By: 90 dB
Bart liked the song, but suggested some major changes. Like cutting the steel guitar and dobro. Problem is, there isn't any steel guitar or dobro on the recording. grin

WOW.... I literally laughed out loud....I've always been suspicious of those so-called hit writers who work at NSAI and the other services offered in this business....and the advice they give.... one says up, the next one says down.....the next one says white, the next one says black.... You have to wonder sometimes did they even listen to the song. It's pretty obvious there's no dobro or steel in that. As you recall, the only comments I had was to add some polish and shorten the intro.... the song was mighty fine..... mighty fine.

Bob....Was that a one on one mentor or a basic review?

I did a one on one mentoring with RC Bannon on a song when he was the president out there.... We discussed 2 songs and he was telling me MAJOR changes and re-writes were needed on the first two.... structural stuff...lyrical stuff...... then with about 12 minutes remaining in the 1 on 1, I asked him to review one more song quickly. After he listened, unlike the first two, he appeared to really like the song and suggested a few changes.... the main one being get another singer who can "sell the song convincingly"... and so I did. Made a few of the other changes.... minor things that he suggested like cut the solo out and do a simple quick turnaround back to the chorus, and sent it back in. The only problem was....well, RC wasn't on the list of reviewers.... he did mentoring but not reviews. So it was a tossup.... I picked a country song reviewer and sent it in with some basic info on what RC had suggested and what I did....

I was expecting a decent review and perhaps a recommendation....at least a "ones to watch" posting..... nope... I'm glad I didn't make a bet on that.... because this new review tore that song a new one.... up one side and down the other....I've gotten better reviews from rough first drafts than I did from that polished up and re-worked song....

FYI the song in question I'm referring to is Come & Go (Rose Version)

Kinda makes you just want to throw your hands up and pull your hair out from the pure frustration

“Bob....Was that a one on one mentor or a basic review?”

It was a response to my complaint about a horrible “Pitch To Publisher”, when the “publisher” (actually a gum-chewing, baseball cap-wearing, word-slurring, knuckle-dragging Millennial cretin with 0 credits to his name) grin had
given the song short shrift.

After my complaint, I got a response from Bart. Obviously, he either didn't listen to the song, or the underling who did the “critique” for him can't tell a Telecaster from a pedal steel. laugh

NSAI is not in the music business. They are in what I call the “Music Business Business”. It is what it is.

