
Just thought I would comment again to this megalith type post

Gonna have a big time, big time, big time in this small town tonight.

The song is making the rounds in Nashville in search of a publisher, and has received generally favorable reviews. It did make the “Ones To Watch” list in January on the N.S.A.I. “E.A.R.S' report, and I got a personal critique from Bart Herbison, the Executive Director of NSAI.

I received a lot of valid suggestions, and am aware that it could be greatly improved, but I feel that as a simple song demo it is adequate.

If nothing happens with the song, we will still be performing it on the 2015 90 dB Dive Bar World Tour, where it will be heard by tens of people. grin

Hmmmm Sounds just as good on the 2nd listen so maybe it is I that could borrow $ 73.78 USD ( at the current exchange rates) grin

Good luck with the song
