Originally Posted By: davidgitar

I'll try not to rehash what's already been said but won't make any promises. wink I've been away from the boards for a few weeks and then hear this as the first song coming back..

To put it mildly, I was gobsmacked.

To understand how big of a statement that is, consider this: I've been a guitarist for well over 4 decades and have invested TONS of time and thousands of dollars on music gear. I've learned and play several styles fluently. As many excellent contributing members on the forum do, I recognize a strong production when the sound hits the ear canal. In other words, "When you've heard it all, it's hard to be this impressed with anything".

Unless the piece really delivers the goods, of course. This song has it in spades.

I enjoy listening to, and playing a tasteful guitar part based on the needs of a song as much as the next six-slinger. However, the songwriting, production and vocal performance on this number were so good that I didn't even MISS it. It really didn't matter. This is huge because I'm always zeroing in on everything that is going on (or not going on) musically speaking. I've listened to a good many Nashville demos back in the day and this tune is as good as any I've heard, then or now. You've done a really nice job at capturing a contemporary country feel to the song.

Best wishes to you and your efforts pitching it.. I know as a seasoned musician, I was enjoying the whole vibe going on with it. I believe if it gets to the right artist, you have a great chance at getting a few more than tens of fans. laugh



Thanks for the kind remarks and good wishes. I can take credit for the song, lyrics and arrangement - BUT:

BIAB provided the players to bring it to life, and Brian Nolf (the singer) added the magic that only a seasoned pro can. Without those two entities, it would just be a little country folk song.

The pitching continues apace. I pitched it to a lady in the frozen food aisle in the supermarket yesterday. She wasn't interested. grin

