I keep seeing people say 'I only use mic X'.
That's fine if all you ever record is the same thing.

I agree, for the this thread topic/problem; the LDC format is likely the best choice (if a good preamp is available, need to remember the importance of that).

Mic choice depends on your needs.
When Screamo was the thing with new bands, I wasn't going to put any of my LDCs in front of singer. Wasn't going to happen.

The 57/58 is worth having. That's why any real studio has them.

When Barry (one of the best singers I know) is recording, he insists on the 58 .. through a 'good' preamp (it makes a difference). I think he sounds fine with a LDC, but he isn't as comfortable so doesn't perform as well, and really, that's what recording is all about; recording a good performance.
Like I've said before; I prefer my voice through a 57. I do not like all the imperfections I hear with the LDC. It's probably the same with Barry; he hears things he doesn't like and knows how to use the 58 to avoid these things.

Using a sensitive Large Diaphragm mic requires certain skills.
My daughter took to it like a fish in water. Knows just when to move closer for the intimate sound and back off to nail/wail. I never get a weak or excessive signal (or pops) with her.

Use whatever mic captures the best performance in the best way. wink

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome