The harmonies are high harmonies, several dB below the main vox line.

Very likely that have been pitch fixed for perfect pitch and it sounds like a flanger or a chorus on them.

The idea there is to have the harmonies low enough that they appear as a background and almost a part of the lead as opposed to being separate and distinct vocal tracks.

I like to triple the lead vocals on some songs..... one main down the center and 2 separately recorded duplicates panned 100% R&L but down at -18dB or more....and then record harmonies (R&L) high and mid, and place them about -12dB or so..... This gives a slightly fatter sound and the harmonies act like they are a part of the main voice.

I did that on this>>>> Listen to the chorus since that's where I have harmony. The lead in the verses and chorus, IIRC is a tripled track.... the duplicates on the R&L are far enough down that the normal and casual listener can not hear them as distinct with the music playing. Soloed, it is obvious.

This one is also similar>>> The verses have the harmonies down..... but in the chorus the harmonies are intentionally pulled up several dB over the verses.

Not all parts of a verse or a chorus will get the harmony parts... that crosses into the production world a bit.... you have to decide where and when the harmony is improving the song and when it's best left out for the dramatic effect.

Getting the sound that Rascal Flatts gets is also a product of the vocal quality that the singers in that band have. Unique voices, the ability to actually sing high harmony well, and a producer who knows what they need.

I'm a big fan of the doubled/tripled lead and the barely audible harmony parts. If you listen to country and probably pop and rock as well, you will hear a lot of the low harmony that sounds like it's almost a part of the lead singers voice as opposed to the distinct harmony you hear from groups like the Oak Ridge Boys and the Statler Brothers.

I hope this helps a bit.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.