Originally Posted By: RnAM
Hi Janice, Bud and Floyd,

We never heard the first version, so we cannot compare.
We can only say this though: another solid production, nice video!
The colors fit the mood of the song.
Well sung Janice and the same goes for floyd.

Rob and Anne-Marie

Hey y'all, nice that you liked it and thanks for commenting on the video. It get a bit tedious trying to find public domain images that fit the lyric and are large enough to be cropped to 16:9. That's the reason I didn't use more smile


Originally Posted By: RichMac
Very enjoyable! A real goodtime song, spot on vocals and the clarity and definition make a great production. Oozes fun. Cheers.

Thanks! Glad you like the mix.


Originally Posted By: gibson
Janice, Bud and floyd,

What can I say??
Wonderfully clear mix; the usual incredible vocals from Janice and then floyd's harmony lines!!

Good video!

I gave the neighbours this song to listen to this morning, LOUD! and no complaints yet so they must like it too LOL

excellent all round


Hey Alyn, we're glad you AND the neighbors liked it!