Originally Posted By: dcuny
Originally Posted By: Rob4580
Another new one. Nothing special.
All comments welcome.

Your music sounds effortless, and the mixes are completely transparent.

That's quite a feat!

But... there's something about it that sounds like a BiaB backing track, and I'll be darned if I can put my finger on it. The more I listen, the more details I can hear that you've woven into the mix- vocal harmony, various instruments slipping in and out, volume and style changes on the drum, and so on.

Really, an excellent job.

I'm going to guess that it's the drums. Maybe it's the level in the mix, the compression, or just a lack of variety. But they're the only thing in the mix that doesn't convince that I'm listening to a real band.

I hope that made some kind of sense...

Anyway, nicely done.

Hello David.
I think the drums may have too much compression.
Ive just started using Sonar again after about eight years.
Still getting used to it.
Thanks for your in-depth comments.