Originally Posted By: eddie1261
My VERY unpopular opinion is that when you perform music that you hate for people that you hate just to make money, and are really sick of playing AT ALL anymore, then you are selling out. Why do you want to do something you hate? Be that something music, plumbing, carpentry, auto mechanic work, street paving, shelf stocking or litigation.... why?

Survival comes to mind...

I've spent the last 30 years in IT. At first I loved it, getting paid to indulge in my favourite hobby smile However, over the last 7 or 8 years I've come to hate it, but for a variety of reasons I couldn't just walk away.

Probably the main reason was that I needed to eat, and I really didn't know anything else. Survival, not selling out, just surviving and supporting my wife (kids had grown up and left home - except the "boomerang boy" but he supports himself).

Now, I am out - no job, no passion, no idea for another business and no social security, despite having paid taxes for the last 40 years, running a business that's paid taxes for the last 22 years and hiring staff who also paid taxes for the last 20 years...

--=-- My credo: If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing - just ask my missus, she'll tell ya laugh --=--
You're only paranoid if you're wrong!