Originally Posted By: gibson
I read all the previous replies first for a change and Noel's shows how different we all are because I thought an Andrew Lloyd Webber style song and I am not a great fan of "stage-musical soliloquies"

But that threw me because I heard Neil Diamond trying to sound like floyd, laugh as soon as I heard your voice and the piano.
Definitely listening first from here on in!!!

I didn't like the piano arrangement initially but it quickly grew on me. nice sparse arrangement. All in all I enjoyed.

Your voice and production, as usual, are impeccable.

"Neil Diamond trying to sound like floyd..." HA! crack me up! someday, we'll need to share a beer over a discussion about that piano... thanks for the listen!...

Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi Floyd.

I always like a song which leaves you with something to think about and this one is certainly thought provoking.

Aren't these supertracks great? I wish I could play piano like that! The only problem is that you wouldn't normally track this up - you'd do the tracks at the same time so that the piano could follow the voice. I can only imagine how difficult it was to sing and follow the piano, but you've got it just right and the whole thing sounds like it was done live. Magnificent.


Hi, ROG! Actually, the way I did this was to sing to the RT only (811:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Acc PopVancouver Ev 100) which is, for the most part a consistent flow - it does have a few quirks now and then - I'm assuming modeled after Joni Mitchell's style of playing. Then, once I had that done, I added in the MIDI Supertrack (2066:Piano, Rhythm NewAgeAnswers Ev16 110) which is a lot more variable, to emphasize the lyric with its timing - matching parts of that track to the lyric... so that when I was finished, (hopefully) it sounded like a player playing for the singer... glad you came by for a listen...