Originally Posted By: Rob4580
Very dramatic. Theres that Glen Campbell sound again.
This is such a good song.
There is a slight buzz panned to the R/H channel.
May be just me.

Thanks, Rob. Glen was my first influence.

Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
A nice classic "Triple A" structured, Jimmy Webb kind of song. Don't get many in that style these days.

Very nice work. The piano is as crisp and pure as I've heard anywhere. I gotta look up, and play around with the SMP-NAA.

Exquisite is the work I would use to describe this. Loved the production as well. I was waiting for the "band" to kick in but as I began to realize it was a piano song, I was already well "into" the song.

Thanks for all that, Herb. Appreciate it. Sometimes, ya just gotta give the band a break, ya know...