I only recently tried the Transpose Songs feature under BIAB 2014's Practice Window. As I understand, this feature can randomly change the key of the song chorus by chours, which is great when practicing new licks over different keys. Or it would be great, if it worked. I had a set of licks that I have as one 48 bar chorus. I chose "transpose the song" and for "each chorus that a song is playing, transpose by" I checked "Random # semitones". This worked as expected for the first chorus, but when the song automatically repeated, the feature changed the key several times in quick order without playing anything, and finally settled on G (for some reason), but started the song somewhere in the middle of the chorus. I gave up as this just wasn't working.

Has anyone else used this feature? I have the automatic loop/replay checked so any song I play repeats. Maybe this is the problem?

Thank you for your assistance,
