Hi guys, this is a tune inspired by a piece by Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane, do not remember the title, but anyway, at certain times they play the melody at unison, just a few bars,that caught my ear, so I tried to recreate that, then this tune was born after quite a few tries
Smoky Room

Style is JWLZ_60.STY (Jazz Waltz at T=60 - Slow 3/4)
PianoCustom Synth is Hi-Q 001 01 Piano, Acoustic, Grand SampleTank.tgs
MelodyCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
SoloistCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded

RealTracks in song: ~927:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 085 ('A' only)
RealTracks in song: ~2322:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzWaltzSlowKenny Sw 085
RealTracks in song: ~2322:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzWaltzSlowKenny Sw 085
RealTracks in song: 2397:Sax, Tenor, Soloist JazzWaltzEric Sw 110
RealDrums in Song: JazzWaltzLewis^01-a:Brushes, Snare , b:Brushes, Busy Snare


Mike B.

Music should be part of your life