Originally Posted By: c_fogle
I really like this one Lawrence. Good tune, lyrics and excellent delivery. Going back for another listen. I like it....
Thank you Charlie

Originally Posted By: boehm
Hi Lawrence,

excellent song. Especially like
your vocals and harmony.

Thanks Guenter. I am slowly changing my approach to arranging and beginning to reintroduce elements like harmonies. Things I had been stripping out of my recording for a more minimal sound. I'm over that period now I think.

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Very cool song Lawrence!! I imagine your daughter is thrilled with it. Really like this folky, story song format. You did a great job telling the story. Arrangement supported it perfectly, and harmonies were really cool. Glad to see you back!! Take care. Greg
Thank you Greg. Yes my daughter was pleased. It's good to record again. Sometimes life gets in the way.

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Welcome back Mr Gruve. We've been missing your
Americana productions. We're gonna call them
that because we listen to Americana just about
all the time and you fit right in with the best.

As Janice just said "I like everything about
that song!"

Wonderful imagery and, as always, the vocals
are top notch. The arrangement builds and fades
in a way that is so supportive of the story.

No need to parse it all out. It's simply a great
song that we much enjoyed and quickly added
to the SC playlist. Look forward to more listens!

Thank you both. I just replaced the song with a re-mix. I moved some instruments around and lowered the vocal. Speaking of Americana, I have been re-listening to "Car Wheels On A Gravel Road" what a super album it is from start to finish!!! One of my very, all-time favorites.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane
A good write, Lawrence (no surprise there!)

Good arrangement, production and mix (no surprise there!)

Excellent vocal (no surprise there!)

The nylon lead was cool - what was that? (surprise!)

Good to see ya back around. Don't be a stranger!

Mia's cool!

Thank you Floyd. The nylon is the 2201. I was auditioning it as background material and it stole the lead spotlight!

Originally Posted By: big741
Great job one this one. Quite enjoyable.

Thanks for the music,
Thank you Dan.

Originally Posted By: Steve Young
Very nice, Lawrence. Well written story, well performed. Excellent arrangement. Agree with all the accolades!

Thank you Steve.

Originally Posted By: tommyad
Lawrence, I'm always glad to see your name pop up. You never disappoint with your writing, arrangements and vocals. I love the build and the the way the tempo slows at the end. This is a great song!
I'll bet your daughter thinks so too. Don't stay away so long. Tom
Thank you Tommy. There are 4 tempos. I found out how to change tempo and this song was perfect for playing around with it.

Originally Posted By: RnAM
Welcome back Lawrence!

Very nice song! Did you play the guitar by yourself or is it all real tracks?

Rob & Anne-Marie
Thank you! It's nice to record and post again. The guitar is Nylon 2201 and after I heard it, it begged to take the lead.