I might be the odd man out...and usually I am.... but I never really liked Elvis. Seriously.

Then for a time, I played in a band where the leader of the band, and singer, thought he was Elvis.... and did a fairly poor imitation.... complete with the jump suits and scarfs. I knew this and he assured me that he wasn't going to do an Elvis show any more.... first night on stage, about the 3rd song in.... he says... "gimme a G chord boys"... and whips into "Well its a one for the money, two for the show....." Wasn't on the set list and we hadn't worked it up in practice. Suddenly, a dozen EP songs were on the set list every night. (gag me) Then he comes up a few weeks later and says, "Hey, I booked a New Years Eve gig for some good money.... but they want the full EP show.... suit, scarves, hair....we gotta get you guys some tuxes " I quit the band soon thereafter because I said, hey, if we're gonna do that crap, we ought to do it right and work it up.... he disagreed and didn't feel we needed to rehearse any of it.... so I left before I was fitted for a tux.

But I digress.....

Your song is cool...as far as EP goes.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.