Originally Posted By: Joe V

BTW - why such a love for the ES335 ? I've not played one, but what has captured the hearts of all you guitar players for this particular guitar ?

One word: Tone

The tone of this guitar model is unlike the tone of the SG or the Les Paul or anything else in the line. That's why there are many different guitar models..... they all have a distinct characteristic tone and sound.

Another word: Versatile

The ES335 has a clean full tone that is favored by jazz and blues players. In addition, the thin line-hollow body is great for catching and riding feedback at higher volumes which is why Ted Nugent likes to use them with stacks of Fender amps. The pickups distort smoothly and predictably when pushed and lend well to most styles of rock and blues. Chet Atkins also liked using this guitar and his music tended to be squeaky clean and super precise. It just works so well across a really wide range of styles and people love them.

I've never personally owned one. I have played a few in my day, but none of them were mine.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 11/17/15 03:21 AM.

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