Thanks Jeff, but it's a bit late now isn't it ? too little too late,
like why did I put time and effort into making a website promoting RB, like what do I get out of it ? the buy buttons are all linked to I'm not selling it on the side with commision !

Sonar, Pro Tools, REAPER, Adobe Audition, Cubase, Ableton Live . .
So I just click the generate Button, Save All Track to Individual wav/midi then go to Sonar end of story, great idea wish I had thought of that one.
And PG should stick with what they do best, DOS, and stay it the past and don't bring any young people in with new ideas and programming skills.
Why bother at all just stick with RealBand 2009 it generated tracks and saved to wav/midi.

The worst thing we can do is be defensive over a DOS Days mindset,
Pleasantville ain't gonna help, don't just sit back and take what you are given, speak up!

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

The only thing that is modern is the new splash screen in BB, no more EGA graphics WOW ! the rest is still DOS, a mindset still there from the DOS Days at the Helm. Come on PG You are out of touch, hand it over to the young people from the new tech industry, LET GO ! bring the new blood in.

REAPER started in 2006 where are they now ? Can you SEE any DOS remanence, what other audio programs do you see this in other than PG ?