Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Please know that when I say this, I'm not saying it is in any way practical. I know personally, it would be WAY WAY WAY beyond what I would ever even care to do.

For me, that would put me into complete overwhelm.

So are we clear, it's not something I personally would EVER do?

Now, that being said, I had a friend who did actually do this. We weren't close friends but enough so that I did get to witness his work. So NOT for me!

I found out that he wasn't so much comparing from the aspect of just going in blindly to see which one he liked best out of all of them. It was more an approach of he knew the sound he was looking for and checked to see which he felt was closest to that sound. Those sounds he would compare.

That also doesn't mean that he did every single syllable of every word. If they were fine they were fine. If they weren't, sometimes he would have to listen to the same mistake many, many times in different tracks, until he found one that wasn't that way.

I'm not in any way defending his methods, just saying I saw it first hand. And it wasn't like he was doing it to impress me by any means. It was his job, and he got amazing results.

Bottom line is I don't think people that do this are lying.

He was elite, and got paid very well for it.

My personal take is, there are people in ANY field of endeavor that take things WAY beyond what the rest of us would.

I've heard stories of titans of industry, great athletes, writers, you name it who do things we would never dream of.

Just because we think we could get the same results easier, doesn't mean that we can.

I'm sorry to say, with all do respect, we (notice I included me in this) can sit and talk, but they are doing AND get far superior results! There are the players on the field, and the fans in the stands. Then there are the armchair quarterbacks. Just my opinion.

I'm neither a player on the field, nor an armchair quarterback. I'm probably more flag football level. I play, but come on....do I really think I'm playing? Nope smile

He was a great guy, well respected, AND down to earth.

I will also say he committed suicide. I've always wondered, but don't know, if it had anything to do with his obsessiveness.

Striving for perfection can be taken too far, in my book.

but was he also the vocalist or was he recording someone else? do professional vocalists really do 100 takes? I can't imagine doing this because after 20+ takes the vocalist is going to be worn out and the rest of the vocal takes are going to be crap anyway - assuming they are done all in one day.