Originally Posted By: Steve Young

Real nice song! Great job on the arrangement. Just a personal opinion: I really like the solos, but when they are not "playing off each other", I would have the guitar and sax more centered. Not necessarily dead center, but close. Then separate them out more when they are trading off. Like I said, just a personal opinion, and not a deal killer at all. I also agree, the vocals could use a little reverb and some harmonies.

Great job, though!


Steve, thanks for taking time to listen and offer your opinion. You are one of the most respected mixers here on the forum and I respect your insight a lot. Lowering the lead vocal a bit and adding a touch of reverb was an obvious miss on my part. I've addressed it and remixed it in the song.

As for panning the solo's sections more center. Good suggestion and I'll experiment with that. I will say I got the opportunity to hear the the song on a PA system in a big room and the separation seemed to add a 'liveness' energy. Currently the panning of the sax and lead guitar are panned L&R and inside of the wider panned rhythm guitars.

Outside the great recommendations, feedback and suggestions I've received from forum members, I've enlisted help from a member in a NC based carolina beach music band. I played the song for him over his PA system yesterday and we ended up in my home studio and he worked with me more than 3 hours as I recorded a new lead vocal track. It has updated lyrics that others had suggested and some he suggested as we worked and I also addressed the vocal level and reverb issue. I'm delivering the new mix CD to him today to possibly be auditioned for the entire band. No guarantees or elevated expectations, but .....
It's hard not to get ahead of myself and I hope I haven't spoken too soon but I'm hoping the band members will do the vocals and add backing vocals.

Last edited by Charlie Fogle; 12/10/15 03:27 AM.

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