Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
I would ask if you wouldn't mind taking this thread on a short side excursion, though it is related.

I have a little Akai MIDI keyboard on my desk. I only need it to hear an occasional pitch.

It works fine in BIAB, or in a DAW, but unless those are loaded, it makes no sound. Do any of these Virtual Pianos you are discussing work standalone? I want to load one in Windows, and have my Akai keyboard make a sound anytime, no matter what else is running. The ideal program would take very little in computer resources. Sound quality is not important, and all I need is a piano sound. I have searched but not found such a thing.



Matt - as Dan mentioned the EZKeys programs work standalone... they have demo downloads... you just missed the "deal" at Sweetwater - $29.99 for the Classic Electrics... but if you see it again for that, it is certainly worth getting...