Dear forum members, thanks for making this a wonderful year of songs to enjoy. You guys have blown me away. I hear more songs I like on this forum than I do everywhere else I listen combined. You are truly a talented, supportive, and wonderful group of musical people. This will be my last original post for 2015 (may do a X-mas song). This is a song about how the life we "drive" sometimes gets out of control to the point that it is driving and we're just being dragged along as unwilling and overwhelmed participants. In my many decades as a songwriter, I don't think I've written and recorded a song that matched my intention more than this one. Not trying to over-hype it. Songs communicate stories, emotions, or messages, and once in a while you get the feeling you've captured what you're trying to get across. Hopefully, as listeners, you will find this as well. Comments very much encouraged (you are my only music community!). Hope you enjoy. Take care. Greg


Another meal, another drink
Two more dishes in the sink
You know, I should stop countin’
Pants and shirts, shoes and socks
Another day to punch the clock
Another few steps up the mountain

But when I look back
I wonder how the hell I got here
And if I ever stop
Will I just disappear?

Another customer to thank
Off the train and to the bank
For the currency that sustains me
Another ad on my TV
About the me that I could be
Self-reflection, how it pains me

The blood is coursing through my veins
I feel temperature and pain
And my heart still beats in rhythm
I see my shadow on the wall
And my chest does rise and fall
It seems existence is a given
But am I really livin’?

Instruments are the Liverpool piano, and the bass which accompanies that on the "browse styles". I use these A LOT. The orchestration is Eastwest Silver orchestra.

Last edited by Greg Johnson; 12/20/15 09:35 AM.