Originally Posted By: chulaivet1966
I gave her a listen.

I think this a pretty good write.
Your vocal has good quality, very well delivered with good imagery.
IE: " Where that fridgidaire, a side by side
Stood with all the tall-boys chilllin' inside". smile

I want to say the honky tonk piano could come up a db but I'm listening on my laptop so that may be too presumptuous of me.

Well done...do carry on.

Thanks. I automated the piano volume throughout and tried to bring it up for those right-hand parts.

Originally Posted By: SRP
Hi Scott,
Very cool song! Everything fits together and you did a great job with the stops (I really like that part). Very clean and professional sound and mix. Your vocal is outstanding and the lyrics tell an interesting story. I enjoyed listening.

Thanks, Sonny. I really didn't know where I was going with this one, but I guess BiaB did:)

Originally Posted By: boehm
Hi Scott,

I like the story. Outstanding vocals.
An enjoyable listen throughout.


Thanks for giving it a listen, Guenter.

Originally Posted By: Skyline
An original idea for a song, good lyrics! A very pro production.


Appreciate that, John.

Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Very nice groove and a cool idea......


It's only halfway finished. I wasn't halfway through the first verse when this thought hit me.

You need a verse #2 that talks about the "storm" being a woman, most likely your woman, who is seeking some revenge on you for being out a bit too late and coming home a bit to inebriated.... put a bit of a twist on the metaphor about a storm.

Yeah, Herb, I toyed with that theme too. There was going to be backyard pool party with me and all the neighbor ladies who were in the same predicament. Then I decided to just let the listener make up their own story:)

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Well the storm blew through this town around ten a.m.
Wreaked a little havoc, caused a little more mayhem

That is one of the most clever rhymes I've ever heard!! This is a really fun and clever song. Well done in every way. Vocal is great, mix is sweet and arrangement sounds very natural. Great job!! Take care. Greg

Wow, Greg. Thank you.

Originally Posted By: dani48
Hi, Scott !:))

Absolutely super music !


Thank you, Dani!

Originally Posted By: RnAM
Hello Scott,

well, we're definitely hearing a song structure ;-)
a good one too.
well done, good vocals too!

Rob & Anne-Marie

I appreciate that, you two. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment:)