Toucher....I listened to your song....very nice...I see what you mean by making it more modern...

Floyd Jane , I have listened to some of your songs while lurking here..Receiving a complement from you is quite satisfying in light of the quality of your work.....thank you

SRP...ahh , key changes , solo instruments and the like are things I can identify in a song but building the song myself is a akin to driving a car vs building one..or..knowing a good book when I read one but not being able to write one me listening to music and making music seem to have been mutually exclusive save for singing....I can rudimentarily read music say to play my sax or to pick notes out on a piano to learn a melody but being able to pull everything together to build a song has hithertofore been somewhat elusive. I do certainly though appreciate any and all constructive criticism and any help that might be sent my way.....

thank you all for the kind words and encouragement......