Originally Posted By: Trygve Larsen
Wow ! I wonder how I could have been lurking around in this forum for so long and overlooking this one ???? Well, [*****] happens...

its not hard to totally miss songs that have been posted for days... the number of songs being posted to the forum has really increased lately, and songs can easily scroll off the front page in less than 24 hours due to the way comments rearrange the order!

This was really so awesome.. Both the music and the animation. Went right away to download this software Muvizu... Never heard of it, but now I have !

Cool! Welcome to the Muvizu club! It's pretty easy to learn.. in fact, I think it's a lot like BIAB due to the fact that both products provide pre-made elements that can be assembled quickly into a high quality output. Put both products together and you have a rapid development platform for audio visual presentations of wide variety!

Thanks for being such a front-runner in creativity, Pat ! I've shared it also on my FB wall....

I'm far from being a front runner! R&AM were among the first to start using video with their songs.... ROG was the first I remember to use animation. Through the past several years more and more people have started adding video to their projects... PeterF also uses Muvizu... and JosieC has posted at least one song with animation... so I'm in catch-up mode! Now that you've downloaded Muvizu, I guess we can bump the number of people using video up by one! ;-)

Thanks for your very kind review, and especially for posting my video to your FB wall! I greatly appreciate the exposure!

You may have done this a while ago, but I just noticed today that you've added LEO as your nickname! Thanks! At least I can pronounce LEO! If it's OK with you, that's what I'll call you from now on!