
This is a STRONG write. Your best ever. Lyrically and melodically.

Love your vocal on this - so "real". I believed every word.

And the piano works perfectly for this. Kudos all around.

Now... one thing - and take this with a grain of salt - because this (the song) is all really excellent...

I felt a "let-down" from the fact that she is seventeen. It suddenly puts the narrative in a place I was not prepared for it to go - and did not want it to... The rest of the song felt like "she was 24" - which make her "more worldly" - and I wanted her to be that. 17 is a kid. 24 is a woman (though still young). A lot like the "Too Dangerous" woman - I doubt that anyone would assume she was 17...
I would have preferred that you repeat "That she wants to be" and tag with "Wants to be". Or something else.. other than Seventeen.

Just a (random) thought.

This is a super song!
