Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
I like this suggestion of using templates... especially for me, because unlike a lot of the people in this forum who have a very recognizable and signature style, playing cover songs has turned me into a chameleon.

I think once I get a few animated projects that are already in process out of the way, I'm going to take this idea and run with it... recording songs "in the style of" my favorite artists. In this case, the template won't be a single song, but rather it will be patterned after the artist's style.

Great idea, Floyd! Thanks for sharing your technique... and especially, thanks for making it interesting by turning it into a puzzle we had to think about before you revealed your answer. Seems like something a song writer might do... ;-)

Always keep in mind... the objective is NOT to make your song sound like whatever song you are using as a template, but for that template to take your song to a place you might not have otherwise gone... it helps to keep your productions "fresh"...

are you suggesting there's only one objective in song writing? I accept that as YOUR objective... but I won't know what my objective is until I start on the song. (Not trying to be a wise guy, but that observation surprised me more than a little) ;-)

No...I was talking about production (or arrangement and instrumentation) ...not songwriting.