Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
What program do you use for animation?

Hi Caaron! Thanks for your kind words! Glad to see your name on a review of the animation and song!

regarding the software, thanks for asking! I use several animation packages, but this one is called MUVIZU (http://www.muvizu.com/)

Muvizu provides an engine for animating elements within a framework. I also used a 3D modelling program named SILO to model a lot of the elements (such as the stage, some of the instruments, the squirrels etc)

Of course I used BIAB/RB to create the song and dialog tracks...

And finally, I used Adobe Premiere Elements to edit all the various takes into one cohesive presentation

So if you had to ballpark how many hours it took for the animation part, what would you say it took? I just really get the feeling it takes A LOT of work!

If anyone has checked this out yet, I encourage you too. It's pretty amazing when you think of all that Pat did on this!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.