Originally Posted By: ovation99
Hi Floyd,
What a great tune and the production is unbelievable (as usual). I am nothing but impressed every time I listen to your productions.
I do a couple of open mic nights here in the UK and have played your CD's to a few people and they can't believe that you are not signed to a major label (maybe you don't want that).
Could I have your permission to do this song on an open mic night?
I also saw somewhere here on this forum that you offered to provide the .SGU for this song. So could I trouble you for that?

One last question: We have a couple of country radio programs over here and one notable one is presented by Bob Harris, you may have heard of him, and he is always promoting new artists. So with that in mind, would you agree if I pointed him in the direction of your CD's with a view to air them on the BBC?

Thanks again for providing such soul searching lyrics coupled with great vocal and professional arrangements

Al Woodall (alwoodall@btinternet.com)

Hi, Al...

Thanks for all those nice comments. The answer to all your questions is "Yes - of, course!". Feel free to play any of my songs. Feel free to show them to anyone. And anyone is free to play them wherever and however they like.

I'll look for the SGU and email it to you. It may or may or contain the exact set of instruments (I test a lot of things along the way)... whatever I finish with will be listed in the original post of the this thread...

Herb and David - thanks for visiting...