Originally Posted By: Noel96

Did you work through the tutorial I suggested?

No, and I'm not going to because . . .

[quote=Noel96]In this regard, BIAB is not like sheet music.

That's bad enough, but they don't say so. In fact, they have gone to great lengths to conceal it.

"BIAB doesn't do repeats."

Simple enough. As a result they forfeit my trust. I'm done with their so-called documentation. What's the point? How would I know they aren't using words in some proprietary sense known only to them, causing me no end of frustration and wasting of time, with the object of defrauding me? I wouldn't ask BIAB what day it was.

Your example works as you say. But I note that the resulting bar numbers are incorrect. The bar after the eight-bar section is bar nine, not bar 17.

In any case, in my situation, as described in the OP, "repeat" still doesn't work.

1. 4 measures intro followed by
2. 16 bars repeated once.

I have done it every possible way, and every time, I get a repeat sign at bar 5, and an end repeat sign at bar 16, and when I play the song, there is no repeat, in contradiction of what the written music says. If no repeat has been created, why does a repeat appear?