
I'm glad to read that you got the repeats working.

Originally Posted By: Tom Dentist
5 days lost on this. If 1 is an invalid number why don't they say so? Then their incompetence in language would be a relatively minor irritation. As it is . . . mad

It's unfair of you to blame these five lost days on either PG Music or me.

While I agree with you that a note in the repeat dialogue box regarding how entering numbers for repeats works would have been useful, and I'll be emailing PG Music with this suggestion of yours (and accrediting it to you), I pointed you in the direction of the tutorial and the accompanying folder around 7 - 8 hours after your original post (if I'm interpreting the time stamps correctly). You chose not to listen to me regarding this information. As you said a couple of posts later when I asked if you'd worked through the tutorial...

Originally Posted By: Tom Dentist
No, and I'm not going to because . . .

When I started helping you, I knew nothing about how BIAB treated repeats. I worked through the tutorial (that took about 15 mins), and with the knowledge gained from that, I had a look at the songs in the below folder that I mentioned to you in my post.

  • \bb\Tutorial - Repeats and Endings

If you'd opened the PG Music example "repeat Tutorial Example 3 -repeats entered.MGU" below...

...and then used the repeat editor to inspect how the 5x repeat was set up... could have saved yourself a number of days. The information is all there.

All in all, it took me around an hour to understand how BIAB repeats work and to work through PG Music's examples. Just so you know, I spent MUCH more time typing posts up to try and help you. I'm curious... why didn't you consider thanking me for solving your problem? Is such an expectation unreasonable? I get the impression that you're also blaming me for not having the answer sooner.

As already mentioned, I am not PG Music staff. I'm a user just like you... nothing more, nothing less. All help I give on these forums has to be slotted in around my day job.


Audiophile BIAB 2024