Many thanks for chiming in GHinCH!

So, it's not just me. I used to be an advanced level Access 97 user a long time ago; just short of using VBA code instead of queries to drive forms and outputs. I use Office 2007 and can't make heads or tails of where to start in Access. It would take me weeks to figure out their new interface. Like Dr. McCoy said in Star Trek the Motion Picture, "I know engineers. They Love to change things!" For some dumb reason, too many companies love to slam us against the wall with newer technology because they can, not because it's necessary. Leave the damn stuff alone!! It worked fine!!!

Why a company would remove features and benefits so useful to the business world, is beyond me. In my profession, we try to ask users what they need most. Otherwise, we would go out of business. Some moron U.S. judge decided that Microsoft did not have a monopoly on the market. I submit he or she was wrong. I hope to live long enough to see Microsoft go out of business - having been replaced with real software written by people who care. </rant>

Thanks again...

Gear: Tyros 5, MOX8, SoundCraft EFX12 mixer, two Bose L1 Compacts, Yamaha HS-8 monitors, BIAB 2016 UltraPlusPAK, Cubase 8, Steinberg UR-44 interface.

"If everyone played a musical instrument, we wouldn't need police officers or armies." Lee B.