Originally Posted By: gruverider
I'll send my electric roses to Double Jointed! lol!!

You told an hilarious story in a unique way and there was not one forced line or forced rhyme to be found. Brilliant writing!

Your work on the animation is remarkable and combined with the song is truly artful.

My day is now better for your work and being a part of this community to have been able to participate.

Thank you Pat.

Lawrence, it does my heart good to see that you would also prefer the profile BEFORE the blink .. ;-)

You bring up a point which doesn't get mentioned very often in forum reviews. Music and laughter DO have the power to make our lives better... and whether it actually worked out that way in this case, or if you're being kind to say so, neither changes the fact that music and humor do have that power.

Your comment has got me thinking now about how to direct the power of future projects specifically toward that end. Thanks for sharing your insights and your very kind words!