Originally Posted By: boehm
Hi Floyd,
Originally Posted By: tommyad
This one is so good. Love the opening , the title, the lyrics that explain the title , the choice of instruments with nothing getting in the way of one another, the mix, the drum sound, and of course both voices. Janice can sure sing lead but she also has a natural gift for harmony. This one almost sounds like a second melody. We've all heard this phenomenon before with some of the great harmonizing groups. I suspect that the harmony was particularly challenging due to the stop and go phrasing. An excellent listen. floyd, you're like a river of great songs. It just keeps flowing. Great one.

Tommy can express my thoughts better than I. So I just quote. I'm impressed. Brent's ballad lead is so versatile. It sounds like made for this song.
This one is a winner again.


Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Hey I really like this. It reminds me of Bob Seger, musically and lyrically. Great backing vocals Janice.

The write and performance are incredibly strong, but I think the treble is a little too high on this particular track, don't know why. Most of your other tracks have a very rich sound and a wide dynamic range. I am not sure if this was overcompressed or what, but the high end really sticks out.

I love the song though. Wonderful write as always.

Thanks guys!
