regarding the original observation about etiquette:

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

(If you want reviews for your songs, then take time to review other peoples' songs)

"what goes around comes around"

(Whatever kind of reviews you give will tend to come back to you. Negative reviews lead to negative reviews of your songs. Short reviews of other peoples' songs lead to short reviews of your songs. Well considered and articulate reviews lead to more of the same)

"behavior that is rewarded tends to be repeated"

(Rewarding those who don't review other peoples' songs by reviewing theirs reinforces the behavior of posting but not reviewing.

Likewise, once it becomes obvious that the path to getting feedback involves GIVING feedback, the problem takes care of itself, without need for confrontation or chiding or any kind of active intervention at all. )

It has been my experience that people don't really want attaboys... what they want is a solid description of what you heard in their song. I never EVER want to hear a comment like "sounds great!" because that doesn't tell me anything at all, and it strikes me as being a bit patronizing.

But to hear something like "I liked the way the strings entered the song at 2:03... it ramped up the emotion ..." such comments are really useful indicators of how my creative decisions impacted the listening experience

(standard disclaimer: my 2 cents)