I don't post songs and seldom listen to others. Please don't misunderstand, it's not because I am not interested in the music made by my forum friends, it's because my Internet connection is too slow.

I live about 3 miles from the end of the fiber optics cable which makes the quickest I can get is DSL-Light, and by the time it gets here it's full of errors. So the buffering can take what is seemingly forever. I get too impatient to sit there and wait for the buffering, hear 7 or 8 bars then have it buffer some more for perhaps 15 seconds.

It's the price I pay for living in paradise.

Most people around her use Cable TV, but I haven't watched TV at all since 1985, and they won't let me have Cable Internet without Cable TV. I refuse to pay an additional $50/month for something I will get absolutely no use from. Plus, if my neighbors are telling the truth, it goes down a lot. It's fast while it's up, but the rain seems to be its enemy.

I gigged on cruise ships for 3 years in the late 1980s and got out of the habit of watching TV (they didn't have TV on the ships then). When I got back on land, I hooked the cable back up but in a few months I found I wasn't watching it, so I had them disconnect it.

I found I'd rather do things myself than live my life vicariously by watching actors pretending to do things.

Full disclosure, I have the minimum Netflix DVD in the mail account, so I watch about two rented movies per month, and that's the only time the TV gets turned on.

So with my slow Internet connection and my refusal to pay $600/year additional for the TV which I won't watch, I am not able to enjoy the music of my Internet friends.

But I live with a lagoon to the east, a nature preserve to the west, and my half acre lot is one of the smallest around, most others are 50-100 acres. Before zoning some guy divided half of his 56 acre lot and built a cottage per year on the other half. I was lucky enough to find this one when I was looking to buy a house. It's paid for now and worth about 4 times more than I paid for it, of course with mortgage interest, it means I've about broken even wink

So please don't be offended if I don't listen.

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks