Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
a couple of other thoughts...

1) Regarding critiques, to me it seems like a bad idea in a forum like this where you do not know the other people nor do you know what their level of proficiency is nor their preferences in music, etc. maybe they don't care for your genre or maybe they are not qualified to critique your music!

this point can be argued, but in the end human nature will prevail. The irrefutable rule of human nature is that people have opinions and they tend to express them (with varying degrees of finesse).

In the same sense that people who don't want to be criticized shouldn't become politicians, people who post opinions, songs or other forms of art in public places should realize that they open themselves up to scrutiny and judgement. No rule or law will ever change that. Only by individual choice does kindness prevail.

I guess my advice would be for each poster to include a small statement, like a sig, where you state specifically what you'd like feedback on (if any).

This has been suggested in the past, and it is always an option for those who don't want comments or critique to say so. The vast majority of posters specifically invite comments and critique.

2) Regarding those who post and do not comment on the songs of others, I would have said that is not cool but then I read where several of you pointed out that one primary role of the User Showcase is to promote what can be accomplished with PG products. With that in mind EVERYONE should be encouraged to post their creations regardless of whether or not they ever comment on anyone else's songs!

I think there are two or more separate issues here. Regarding the issue of advertising PGMusic products, I think everybody should post their stuff regardless of whether or not they comment.

Regarding the etiquette that differentiates an organized and polite forum from a chaotic and rude one, I think the people who have a specific opinion about how things should work (in either direction) should lobby for and reinforce rules of order. All groups work this way... its a phenomenon known as "forming, storming, norming and performing"

In the end a behavioral norm evolves that a majority supports, and then the group functions effectively and harmoniously until someone rises up a disrupts the harmony to push for a new norm.

This whole discussion, by the way, is part of the storming and norming process. However the discussion is assimilated by the group as a whole and gets acted upon going forward will be the new (or continued) group norm.