Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Overall, my take is post your songs if you would like to. Comment if you would like to. It's really not more complicated than that to me.

A nice, simple, balanced approach!

And really, a system like this is self-policing I would think. Those who post and never comment are unlikely to receive many comments as time goes on while those who post and comment will prolly get more!

this is actually the system in place now, and Its highly likely that it will continue. I agree that it it's a self-perpetuating system, and that's why it would be hard to change it to anything else.

But, our opinions aside.. we should all ask ourselves this: If Peter Gannon weighed in, what position do you think he'd take? I think he would want no encumbrances above and beyond the necessary legal ones.