I'd really like to see a NEW Audiophile PRO+ Version made available

..., where Audio files were offered in 24 bit.

I'd also like to see this proposed NEW Audiophile PRO+ Version ..., To also include a DRY TRACK OPTION

- ie; DRY track versions also offered for the realtracks ..., (DRY meaning - a bare bones audio track with No FX added to it)

- ie; Minus their already added reverb and compression etc , giving users the ability to instead add their own 3rd party FX in their own preferred flavour via both the BIAB FX slots , or In a DAW

This would enable (proposed future BIAB 'Audiophile PRO+ version' users)

- access to higher quality 24bit audio samples that would better survive the audio mangling and mashing that goes on within a DAW .., like file conversions, time stretching, adding FX etc .

The Dry Tracks suggestion would ................,

- Create a better 'all round' end result to your mixes , by allowing the user to sit the instruments in the mix where they like , (and not where BAIB pigeon holes' it to be) ........,

This means ....,

- the amount of reverb also not only creates a sense of space (eg: size , like room, hall, cathedral etc)
- it goes further than that by giving its own uniqueness to what type that space actually is and the materials contained within (wood , stone etc).
- Reverb can be special FX also , like plate reverbs , tube reverbs , reverse reverbs , pre-delay adjustments , Dry vs Wet signal blending (or using FX sends) etc .

...,and most importantly by adding your own reverb to a DRY audio track enables the producer to place emphasis on giving the listener an idea (ie; attention or focus) to where the instrument actual placing is within the sound field.
- All the above applies to compression FX also.

This placing could be either being up close and personal, through to being further back in the room , and all points in between.

I think it would be great to allow the user to decide where this space and place and feeling need to be in their mix
.., all this can be done without placing a finger on the volume fader, and turning up that fader will only increase volume and not increase that vocal or instruments presence and focus point in the mix.

... , rather than having to force all the other added elements of your mix (like your own added vocals, or recorded instrument tracks) to BLEND to the pre-determined BIAB mix .., all that possible power and uniqueness is lost with the current method.

Last edited by SFG; 10/09/16 06:09 PM.

My Specs
Computer : Mac Pro (late 2013) - OS Yosemite 10.10.5
Processor : 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5
Memory : 64 GB 1866 MHz DDR3 ECC
Graphics : AMD FirePro D300 2048 MB
Interface : Avid Mbox 3 Pro
DAW : Pro Tools 12.6.0 (64 bit AAX)