Originally Posted By: Pipeline
I know one thing Mac got before Win was Sforzando integrated at the time of the vst support update.
Yes, I was surprised to see that listed on the front page as one of the "new for 2017" things just now. But you know how it is with any minority group, we are predisposed towards the "always the short end of the stick". That's just the nature of things smirk
Originally Posted By: Pipeline
Using ReWire with Biab will be like a Biab vst, until we get one of them.
Apropos ReWire, I've just got "Jack" but yet to actually try using it. Just how is this thing favourable to something like "Jack"?
Originally Posted By: Pipeline
I do a lot of bit#hing but gotta love it and stick with it as nothing else out there is comparable.
Oh, absolutely! Our critical thinking (absolutely essential mentality when we work in the beta department, as we both have) shouldn't be taken for (or confused with) mere blinded negativity. If anything, quite the reverse. We want nothing but the best for this wonderful tool that has given us so much, and can potentially give us so much more. So we push, we nudge, nag & 'bit#h', all in order to keep things moving forward.
Originally Posted By: Pipeline
Let's hope the MacBB release date gets close each year, and the same features.
I think there may be a word missing from this sentence, but I'll drink to that sentiment - Cheers! cool

There's only one thing to do in crisis like this - Sleep on it!
BBox 2022 Audiophile, Mac Pro Intel, OSX 10.6.8, 800x600 (TV VGA)