yes, in my original email (several days before Peter Gannon's suggestion), I sent a detailed email to Support with a description of the problem, a doc file with the error log content, and dropbox links to the zipped content of my UT. That was about a week ago, but I never had any reply. However I sent it from a Yahoo account, and I knew that Yahoo got hacked, and I've had problems in the past with Yahoo, so after seeing Peter Gannon post here, I re-sent the same message (with the dropbox links) from a Gmail account. That's when the emails started bouncing back (Gmail re-send the same message once a day when it bounces back, so it's been sent at least 2 or 3 times now). So, I really don't know if Support received ANY of my messages ... that would explain why I never received any aknowledgement.
I'll try again with Yahoo now :-)
By the way, PG's support and help is always GREAT, so I am sure it's just an unfortunate coincidence (and I'm sure these days they are super busy with the new version out).
Anyway, now that another user is reporting exactly the same problem, at least I know I'm not the only one, so maybe it's about a bug rather than something very specific to my setup.

If anybody else is experiencing the same problem, with new UTs, please let PG Support know, I'm sure that the more info they have the better they can tackle it.
If I have news I'll report here.