Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
I will resort to pencil and paper if my phone is dead but greatly prefer something more permanent and easy to store and access.


I have manila folders full of lyrics on PAPER, written in PENCIL (or pen) that date back to 1977. 40 years ago. In fact, a couple of the songs I posted this year were lyrics from those folders that go back that far - dug up treasure from the past - a little rework at times and newer, "updated" melodies - but pleased that they turned up again. If I had stored those along the way - on 5 1/4" floppies? or even 3 1/2" floppies? or my flip phone?.., it would likely be hard (or impossible) to access them now - and they would likely be lost to me. Permanence is relative. And, so too, "storage and access".... just a thought...

If you back up, and I do, the electronic medium is never an issue. My 5-1/4 floppies? Backed up to tape or zip drives which were then backed up to CDs which were backed up to cheap USB drives which will now get backup up to SSDs! I even take my old handwritten stuff, scan it and back it up. My priorities are permanence and accessibility. I do indeed have some old handwritten stuff but find it might as well not exist if I cannot locate it!