I was actually being stone-cold serious, while attempting to also be humorous--cause there has been some heavy stuff on here man.

I have seen some webinar and lectures and songwriting books go on and on FOREVER with ceaseless debate on you need to do this, that and the other thing to write a song.

Agreed. I feel there something to be said for technique, but no in absence of feel.

Sometimes, I think you just need to plug it in, turn it up to 11 and play the living ..... out of it.

It will free you up and I guaran' dang tee you that you WILL write a song. Maybe not a good song, but you will have fun and you will regain your sanity. Then, when your mind is clear, you will be able to pick up your notepad again and get back to business. But in order to stay in the zone, sometimes you just got to crank it up.

Very true!

This is my Christmas Blessing and Wish for All Songwriters.

Plug it In. Turn it Up. Go Crazy. Go Free.

You will write better.

I promise.


Well said. I think that explanation up front would have made all the difference for me reading it! I can tell you hearing Steve Vai again made me want to play...and I play drums! That's how good of guitarist he is! wink

Blessings to you as well!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.