If I was starting now and knew back then what I know now ..

I'd advise to get a good mic preamp.
An interface 'can' be a preamp, but I'd rather have a good preamp in line before the interface even sees the signal.

Studio Projects Vtb1 is a very cost effective solution.
Like all good stuff, these preamps have gone up over time instead of getting cheaper.
I bought my first couple for about $120 each. Looks like about $199 now.
Good news is your cheaper mics can sound better, and any decent LDC mic will shine as much as it can with a good preamp.

/old saying; an average mic with a great preamp is better than an average preamp with a great mic. .. or something like that

Also, spend some time learning whatever mic you have to work with. Try recording vocals in the hallway, stairwell, living room, whatever .. learn how the room and mic setup affects everything. It does.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome