I originally started to write this on another thread about Garritan but realized it was trying to hijack that thread. So here is my own: I am also in the market for some sounds other than the ones that come with BIAB.

A little background -- 15 years ago I was heavily into midi (I actually knew Gary pretty well and beta tested the Garritan stuff back then when it was first being developed). I had all kinds of hardware and software to make music... and then got sidetracked (into animation but that's a whole other story).

Anyway, I'm now back to try music making again but rather than going the route I had been pursuing (which was composing using Finale and some Sonar work) I want to use BIAB (I bought the whole thing on the 2.5 disk) and take the easy road (I'm also experimenting with voice to midi but that's beside the point -- my hands are no longer good at keyboards due to age). My first impulse was to get the current Garritan release (general orchestra) and I read this thread.

Okay -- so I dimly remember that GM is, what, general midi mapping? Are we saying that this is what is needed for the easiest use in BIAB? I used to LOVE the Garritan strings and horns (I'm big into orchestral stuff) but is that not possible (or easy) to use with this program? And I'd rather not get any more hardware if I can avoid it (I still have what used to be considered the best midi sound modules out there -- don't even know if I could hook them up anymore as I don't even have a midi interface on my computer anymore).

I guess what I'm asking is this: without spending a TON of money (because I'm not so sure I'll stay in music making: this is an experiment) is there any software (or even somewhat cheap hardware) you guys would recommend to upgrade the sound? Obviously if I get back into music the way I had been I'll spend thousands (I had a midi studio that cost me, back then, at least 2K or 3K). But right now I'm just dipping my toes in, albeit wanting at least decent sound for the trial.